Monday, February 29, 2016

The endless list of props. Both projects! There has been a bit of a stall in progress in my projects lately. It is a bit disheartening to work on endless lists and not see any result other than:

Lots of somewhat interesting stuff but it isn't in game and doing anything yet! At least I can get stuff like this done fairly quickly. But it is like someone who is asking you to re-enact an air battle with 100 paper planes, start folding!

In the meantime I decided to set aside some time to a personal project where I can see everything coming together and what the end result is based on the plan I drew up. It is a nice feeling of being in control and the only obstacle to completion being myself for that one lol. I have been following this tutorial to get me started.

Great stuff and I recommend it to anyone wanting to learn a bit more about gamemaker and creating stuff in it. I am trying to adapt it for more a phone environment like an android but the rpg basics still apply.

Until next time, I will be creating more props, working on a 2D game etc... slowly grinding through the world of game design hah!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

These last couple weeks I finished up our new hospital. However, the textures still are not quite what we are looking for.

It looks nice, just a bit too weathered. That will be put on hold while the person I am working with finds some references so I can better see what his vision for the level is. The layout is fine, though he did mention forgetting some details; that could be covered by other meshes though. Other than that I have went back and fixed some issues with my house variants. Small holes in the mesh or walls not quite meeting other walls. I am actually getting a good system down for checking that now at least!

All in all the buildings should be pretty well finished model wise (probably not all we need but enough for the early levels). The hospital took the longest seeing as it had to be recreated from scratch for this iteration. Better that than trying to modify the old version though. Better still would be having a well thought out plan for the level from the start so a redo is not necessary.

Other than that just working on some props for another game:

 just some torches and lamps and such for now.

 Also I am collaborating with a friend who wants to knock the dust off his programming skills. He was like: okay you won't pay me but I need to do something or I will never re-learn this stuff. Me: alright, I have like 2 or 3 design docs stashed away and even some sprites you can animate, which one do you want to run with? And away he went. Not much to report on that front yet, but be cool if something does get going! Unfortunately I still have a sinking feeling I will need to take some of these projects and at least start them myself hah. Ah well there is always Udemy or Youtube. Then it is a matter of deciding which engine... *sigh I just wanna describe stuff and have a magic programming genie make it work. I am sure I am not alone there hah.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

About time I posted again... Today was a bit of a slow start as snow kind of stopped me from going anywhere for a bit. Thankfully a ride appeared in fairly short order in the form of a car I could use that was not stuck showing up.

Anyways, for the last week I have been remodeling, or rather entirely recreating our hospital level. It just didn't fit what we wanted to do with it. Which goes to show that one should probably not start work or tell someone to create something without a proper plan laid out! However, the old hospital was good practice and I still learned quite a bit creating it. I found I was a lot better at catching and fixing errors now. I also knew how to lay out the UV maps for a large building a lot better and faster. Here are some pictures of the new setup with some placeholder textures for now (in unity, default lighting and just a fps control to sort of stroll around and get a look at things):

There is a lot more space to move in, which I believe will make programming an AI easier in addition to providing more interesting interactions. More room is useful for dodging or better chase game play.

Still have the exterior to do, and revising textures, but that should only take about a week or so. So that is what is next on the path to finishing off this level. Well a building with a lot of empty space. We will need to create some more models to make it look a little less empty!

And for my conclusion here is a cow model I whipped up in a couple days:
Turned out pretty good for the style we are working with. A bit of UV distortion on the horns, but that could just be fur. Still have not heard back about PAX, just that they were reviewing submissions. But even if we don't make the cut I want to finish some games and get some stuff out there anyways! There will be plenty of opportunities to show up and demo our game somewhere. See you next time in a week or two!