Thursday, June 23, 2016

reworks and new lands!

The last couple weeks I have been reworking a lot of things not really because they were bad but they could be optimized. For example this group of things:
All this stuff is parts of a village, about 57 models and 27 textures. I atlased(combined a lot of textures into one file basically) these and made it 7 textures (3 2kX2k and some lesser sizes) which was great and only took me about two days. two mainly because of some uv errors and mesh optimization I did at the same time. A bit tedious, but definitely worth it and I cleaned up a ton of files as well by combining all this stuff into one.

Another item on the list of upgrades was our undead creature which was passed over to someone else for some cool model changes. Unfortunately this resulted in a need for re-rigging and remapping. But this presents on opportunity to upgrade the textures as well.

finally on the home front with my game I got a new land done! That means I am about halfway done with my game whoohoo!
Here is a small preview.. It is a close up to keep some secrets hidden:
Here I have added some cool stuff like destroy-able bushes and a slew of new monster spells of course. Look forward to more updates in a week or two as usual!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Swamped in work and everything

I don't know what it is about June this year but dogvacay stuff is just going crazy. A couple dogs is nice but when you get to 5 or 6+ guest dogs it can get a bit complicated lol. Anyways still managing to work on things and we are in the process of updating a creature but in the meantime the filler stuff multiplies:

That should be just about it for general house stuff though. I also am getting my game going a bit more. With this level it will be the farthest I have gotten. I have TWO bosses and dungeons! that is twice as much as my other forays! hurray for progress! The challenge now is just repeating the process a few more times and trying to keep things interesting but simple enough that I can manage with my admittedly meager programing skills. If you want to try out what I have so far here it is:
(links removed for now, sorry if you missed out!)
Now I will say this, it is still very rough around the edges. I need a lot of little changes to make it more fun and not absolutely hellish difficulty. The main thing making it hard is how I have my spawners set up. I may need to make a way to trigger them separately rather than all at once. Any other feedback is of course welcome. Keep in mind this is a single person project with someone who basically has to look up how to do most of the coding atm. So if you say: it needs a complex skill system with a bunch of cool moves I will go: uh sorry maybe next project or I will never finish this hah. Actually I am thinking about expanding on this and making a more in depth game but for now this will be a good start of setting up the little things like mob ai and player control/attacking. The main thing now is a small instruction page to sort of show save points and how to use them and the best way to attack(which imo is clicking on the knight character rather than enemies, but clicking on enemies aims you better).

Anyways sorry for the really long post. A lot of stuff going on and a lot of stuff in the works so to speak. See you next time I hope.