Friday, October 30, 2015

Alright, almost got wrapped up in work and forgot to update this again. I want to talk a bit about my unity works scene I have been building... At this point due to various agreements it will probably won't be something most people can tour for quite some time. However, it is still neat to get an overall view of all the accomplishments this year so far:
It is actually starting to look like enough assets for a small game now! roads, houses, a building, some rocks. Too bad I would need to animate a bunch of stuff and program a ton to do that though hah; that is why I have been working with teams though. I do like walking through here from time to time just to see how things are looking though. Get a feel for how they might appear in engine. Most of all though it is cool seeing skills improving and stuff getting to a finished if not fully polished state. I might still come back to some and update textures or add details at some point.

Anyways enough nostalgia for now, and lets zoom in on one of the assets I have been working on:
Another house! I am generally really happy with the exterior here. The interior might need a bit more cleanup we will see though (I also am not sure about that white paint inside, even though it does look great outside). Overall though it is looking fairly good!

Anyways, that ends this blog entry. A lot better in terms of an update now that it has been a bit less busy. I try to model/texture something every day, though I also don't want to burn out on certain things. Doing mundane stuff like houses for a week on end can really take it out of you. Anyways I could ramble on about things but I think I will keep it at that for this update!

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