Monday, August 15, 2016

More creations!

Lots of project jumping these last couple weeks. I am close to just putting other work on hold and finishing my own game but the teams are important too. So I do the whole juggle bit hah! Anyways on to the pictures of progress!
We saw the church exterior in the last update but this is some of the interior roughed out with some placeholder textures and materials. Still a work in progress as I need a bit more info about it from the project lead to finish it off.

Next up is some more AoA stuff; a lot of small stuff rather than any buildings or characters:
These are market stalls and overhangs meant to fill some spaces and give the city in progress a bit more life and style. feel free to head on over to facebook for more detailed information on the teams work thus far on said city!

Finally I even got some work done on my own game. The base game is almost done, after that it is just a bunch of polish work and maybe adding some extra features like a death counter, maybe a compass drop. Here is a pic of the final level before you enter the last dungeon!
Just a couple more monsters and the dungeon and that game is basically done and playable. After that it is making a good icon, title page, polishing up anything that looks off, then researching a bit how to add it to the play store and maybe put a windows version somewhere as well.

See you next time in the usual two week update!

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