Monday, March 27, 2017

Projects being slow again.

But that does not mean I have to slow down! Been taking another course on creating an RPG and learning some cool stuff. In short it basically teaches me how to get a 3rd person char moving around and playing a really epic game of dodge ball. This means I can at least prototype some levels with combat. Probably a good ways to go until it is a really smooth playing game but roughing it in is kind of neat here are some screens of that:
The second pic is more of a planning phase in what I might want to do with the character. Other than that I have just been messing with rigging and animation again. Current plans are to move forward with some dungeon/level prototyping which requires some model creation. That is unless my current projects get it in gear again lol.

See you next time!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Texture upgrades!

I got the chance to revisit a couple models from my past and apply some improved textures to them. Neat to see how I have grown even in this amount of time. First up we have the ol handgun model which you may recognize from a previous update awhile back:
You can see the old model was a bit messy and the dirt patterns were pretty bad! It looks like a gun but close inspection reveals the flaws in the textures. Also, a specular map makes or breaks metal type objects imo. I did fix some flaws and improve the texture but what really improves it is the specular map bringing out all the dings and scratches in the metal that I tried to artificially add in the diffuse before.

Next up we have my player arms model being improved. There is a ton of detail in skin and the hand in particular. I still struggled a bit with adding it all but I am fairly happy with the result. I took some elements from my old maps and added some parts of real life pictures I took myself to make certain details really pop. Integrating it all in and making it blend well was the real trick:

Finally I am working on a new game with the knowledge I learned in that udemy course I took. Breaking it down into pieces and trying to make it work. The general idea is an RTS type game with units and gold to spend with map objectives to claim. Lots of placeholder stuff atm but a good start with purchasing units, placing them in a specific area only and also selecting them:
That is all for this update. See you next time!