Friday, November 9, 2018

It's done! Course is in for review and I am eagerly waiting to hear back on what Udemy has to say about it.

As to what it is about, I will definitely link it here when I am done but a quick run down is: I notice a lot of people publish videos about 3D modelling but no one really goes into how to network and get a shoe in the games industry as a lone free lancer. No one really shows you where to go to start selling some models. I have some experience with that and thought it would be cool to share this!

here is my welcome video, well the first edition anyways:
I really hope I can get a course published, it is definitely on my todo list right after the book I published which I succeeded at though nothing really came of it. You can see it and its bad cover art here

Anyways I love sharing stuff and I have recently been looking into a lot of ways to put myself out there and create more sources of income as well. But this course is less about the money and more about trying to help people who are like me: extremely introverted and also interesting in game art and creating.

Even if it bombs it is still another mark I can leave, and maybe it will inspire someone, that would be great!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What I have been up to!

Welp Patreon was a bust. but I HAVE been freelancing around. Managed to score a gig to make some characters which is nice. Below is a video of me making a rather detailed char. 18 hours of work condensed into 2 at 7.5X more speed. We are still hammering out some details though since it is a main character.

Other than that I have been working on a Udemy course. Maybe it will bomb, but I figure why not give it a try? That is the state of a lot of my endeavors at this time: why not give it a try hah.

I will not try to update on all that has happened but just let me say I am exploring many other options and trying to expand a lot of skills to see what I will enjoy and what might take me somewhere.

I find I enjoy trying out the various make money online schemes people come up with, but not many have panned out so far. Still fun to try and potentially life changing right? But if it were easy everyone would be doing it.

so for a bit of extra on some things I have been up to here are some more 3D models:

There we go. The golem is actually from an asset pack, but the textures are redone by yours truly! Anyways I want to come back to this blog... it is my original and holds a bit of nostalgia. It has a lot of my journey and has been like a journal. I will try and post something every day hah, I know I said that before but I want to try and get back to it. Stay tuned!